A Massive Thank You For An Amazing 2014.

We realise we’re a bit late with this but we just wanted to say a massive thank you to all the bands we’ve worked with, all the other labels that have helped us out and traded with us, all the zines and online places that have reviewed our stuff and helped the bands out, anyone who’s ever picked up some records or supported in us any way last year. You’re all amazing, to write a list would take forever and not really be very interesting…..

2014 has been an incredible year for us, we’ve worked with tons of our favourite bands, traded with loads of our favourite labels and distros and made lots of amazing friends from all over the world! In fact, last year we released more records than in in the previous two and a half years combined! We wouldn’t be able to do this without all your help, we really appreciate it!

2015’s already looking amazing, we’ve got tons of new stuff coming up from lots of fantastic bands, there are loads more festivals this year in the UK and Europe, there are tons of new labels and distros springing up every month. All this is a great indicator how well the DIY punk/hardcore/crust/whatever scene is doing at the moment.

Have a fantastic 2015 and don’t let the bastards keep grinding you down!


Fran & Zoe X

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